A free short course in poetry

Free course

I am offering a short course on poetry written over the past two centuries.  Although I am by training and leaning an Americanist, the course is on four British poets, William Wordsworth, Gerard Manley Hopkins, T. S. Eliot, and Philip Larkin.  It is free, but to take it, you can sign up with an organization at the University of Vermont known as OLLI.   It costs 15 bucks to sign up, 12 if you are an AARP member.   [But you need not be a member.  Here is what their webpage says: “ If you do not wish to become a member, please call our office (M-F, 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM) at (802) 656-5817 to register for courses at the non-member rate.  So you can sign up by calling this number!  This way it is totally free.]   


To get to the course, type in ‘gutman olli Vermont program listing’ into your browser, and then scroll down the page till you find “Poetry of Two Centuries, from Romantic to Postmodern:  Wordsworth, Hopkins, Eliot, Larkin.”  The course will be offered on Thursday afternoons throughout September (the 7th through the 28th, to be specific.)  


[I looked at an online course on the Odyssey the other day, from the New York Review of Books,  Whew.  $225 to audit, $425 to take the course.  Six sessions . Costly.  So I guess the 15 dollar membership and the free course is a pretty good deal…. And it is an even better deal if  you call the phone number above and sign up that way, so that is totally free. OLLI mostly charges for their courses, but I said I would do it for free – no money to me – if they would subsidize the students in the course: So they made it free!]


Letters on poems will keep coming to you, of course, whether you sign up for the course or not!




Shakespeare’s Sonnet 73


Miklós Radnóti